Green Ice Melting

Tag Archive: Eco

The use of icemelter and protecting our water systems.

It has long been established that the use of rock salt has negative effects on the environment.  In fact there are documented cases of contamination to drinking water and complete destruction of aquatic Eco systems due to excessive salt use. …
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While de-icing salts are said to be essential to keep safe mobility for travel routes (e.g. roads, parking lots, sidewalks) their extensive use can become very harmful to wood species and landscapes near or around road sides where most often…
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Which Icemelter to use outside/inside food processing/storage facilities?

Many people are aware that ice builds up outside food processing/storage facilities but; many people may not be aware that there is build up of ice inside as well.  The ice builds up in doorways, doorframes, shelves and even on…
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